Unite as One To Fight The Epidemic

Unite as One To Fight The Epidemic


JISEDAI | Epidemic is not over, protection is not relaxed

Novel Corona virus Pneumonia Epidemic Situation

As of 24 on June 14, there were 54 new cases of new corona virus pneumonia nationwide.

During epidemic prevention

Unite as One To Fight The Epidemic

The cunning Omicron has attacked from all sides, and almost all the first-tier cities have been recruited, and many small and medium-sized cities are also finding infected people one after another.

The epidemic prevention headquarters in various places quickly took epidemic prevention measures, strengthened closed-loop management, scientific and precise prevention and control, and resolutely adhered to the bottom line of epidemic prevention.

In response to the call of the provincial, municipal and district headquarters, JISEDAIimplemented epidemic prevention work. Extensive publicity of epidemic prevention and control knowledge, timely dissemination of epidemic prevention and control trends, and practical delivery of epidemic prevention and control knowledge to company members to form a strong joint force against the epidemic.

Carry out epidemic prevention knowledge training

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