2022-2028 Injection Molding Equipment Industry Segment Market Research and Investment Feasibility Analysis Report
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  • 2022-2028 Injection Molding Equipment Industry Segment Market Research and Investment Feasibility Analysis Report

2022-2028 Injection Molding Equipment Industry Segment Market Research and Investment Feasibility Analysis Report


Analysis and Forecast of Injection Molding Equipment Industry Development Space and Downstream Segmented Market Demand Prospects

1. There is a large space for localization of high-end injection molding equipment

Injection molding equipment, as the most widely used processing machinery in the plastics processing industry, can directly produce a large number of plastic products, and is also the key equipment for the injection stretch blowing industry. 40%, is an important indicator to measure the manufacturing capacity of plastic machinery. In terms of injection molding equipment, the output of China's injection molding equipment has ranked first in the world for 15 consecutive years. The output of China's injection molding equipment accounts for about 70% of the global injection molding machine output. It has become the largest output, the highest output value and the largest export in my country's plastic machinery industry The first category of products. At present, in the global injection molding equipment industry market, developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan still occupy a leading position in the world injection molding equipment industry market by virtue of their advantages in technology and talents, such as Germany, Austria, Japan and other countries. High-end plastic machinery products, relying on the advantages of high-tech content and high added value, lead the development of global injection molding equipment.

European companies represented by KraussMaffei and Engel are still the global leaders in injection molding machine technology. European injection molding machine companies attach great importance to innovation, and insist on high-end and precise product routes. They can provide solutions for special and special products, and have a good reputation in the industry. The equipment has good stability, high efficiency, and high precision of finished products. long life. The precision injection molding machines and large injection molding machines produced by it have high technology content and high added value, occupying a large market share. Japanese companies are good at manufacturing electric injection molding machines, and have significant advantages in rapid cycle molding and high-precision miniaturized injection molding machines, as well as in narrow spacing and ultra-thin-wall technology. In contrast, there is still a certain gap between my country's injection molding machine companies and well-known foreign brands, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the development and localization of high-end equipment.

2. Market scale and growth rate analysis of injection molding equipment

In 2021, the demand of my country's injection molding equipment industry will account for about 14% of the global demand market. The domestic market size of injection molding equipment industry will reach 24.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.2%. In the next few years, the scale of my country's injection molding equipment market is expected to show a growth trend. It is estimated that the growth rate of the industrial scale will be 2%-3% from 2022 to 2028.

With the transformation and upgrading of the plastic product industry structure and the continuous improvement of the production process technology level, the plastic molding equipment industry continues to innovate and develop, giving birth to higher-end injection molding machine technical requirements. For example, the development trends of lightweight, electrification, intelligence in the automotive industry, high barrier, environmental protection and lightweight in the packaging industry, as well as the application of advanced materials and processing technologies such as carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin, precision molding, nano molding technology, and optical molds, All will prompt industry companies to upgrade their technical levels, and pay more attention to providing overall solutions and automated production solutions for injection molding customers. A variety of new technologies and new products have emerged, which will continue to promote the development of the plastic molding equipment industry in the direction of high-end intelligence.

3. Application demand analysis of downstream market segments

Plastics are widely used in modern society because of their light weight, good insulation, strong plasticity, and low manufacturing cost. In recent years, the scale of my country's plastics processing industry has continued to expand, and the output of plastic products has shown a growth trend. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the output of plastic products in my country will increase from 44.7928 million tons in 2009 to 80.04 million tons in 2021, with a compound annual growth rate of 4.96%.

The broad application fields of plastic products provide an important guarantee for the steady growth of demand for injection molding equipment products. The main downstream application areas of the company's injection molding equipment include household appliances, automobiles, daily necessities, building materials, packaging, and 3C consumer electronics.

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