In 2022, my country's injection molding products will be widely used

In 2022, my country's injection molding products will be widely used


China Report Hall Network News, injection molding products usually use rubber injection molding and plastic injection molding. In 2022, the market of various industries will gradually rely on injection molding technology. At present, the injection molding industry has penetrated into all aspects of life, and the demand for injection molding is also increasing. my country's injection molding machine industry is an industry that is strongly supported by policies. The policy promulgated by the state has created good conditions for the development of the industry and driven the development of the industry. The following is an analysis of the development status of the injection molding industry in 2022.

  End product manufacturers distribute the R&D and production of product parts to the upstream industry chain according to the industrial division of labor, and more and more multinational companies gradually establish their own global supply chain system. At the same time, the professional division of labor also promotes the development of product diversification on the premise of ensuring the quality and stability of product parts supply, and provides good development opportunities for upstream injection molded parts manufacturers. The annual increase is 1.77 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 6.1%. The special research and investment evaluation report on China's injection molding market under the new crown epidemic environment after 2022-2027 predicts that the output of China's injection molding products will reach 32.1 million tons in 2022.

injection molding manufacturer

Injection molding products are widely used, and the huge downstream industry provides strong support for the development of my country's injection molding industry. With the promulgation of the "Planning Rules for the Revitalization of the Petrochemical Industry", my country's injection molding industry has ushered in new opportunities for development. Now analyze the development status of the injection molding industry in 2022 from the three major market conditions.

  At present, the market competition faced by domestic injection molding enterprises is relatively fierce. In addition to the competition from foreign-funded enterprises, the competition among domestic enterprises is also relatively fierce. With the continuous expansion of downstream fields, the scale of China's injection molding products market has been increasing year by year in recent years. In 2021, the scale of China's injection molding products market will reach 546.3 billion yuan, an increase of 23.80 billion yuan compared with 2020, a year-on-year increase of 4.6%. The market size will reach 562.4 billion yuan.

With the rapid development of the domestic injection molding industry, domestic injection molding companies have greatly improved production technology and product characteristics, and achieved positive results in production cost control, enabling domestic injection molding companies to achieve a greater increase in market share , to meet the development needs of injection molding enterprises, and provide strong support for injection molding enterprises. In 2017, the market size of China's injection molding products industry was 519.100 billion yuan, and in 2021, the market size of China's injection molding products industry was 592.949 billion yuan.

  With China's continuous technological breakthroughs in the injection molding industry, China's injection molding import and export trade has been in a trade surplus. Since 2015, the scale of my country's injection molding imports has fluctuated. In 2021, the national injection molding imports will be 7,764 units, a year-on-year increase of 30.5%; the import value will be 743 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 25.1%.

  The development status of my country's injection molding industry continues to increase. In 2022, my country's injection molding technology will gradually become popular. At present, injection molding technology continues to break through, and the continuous growth of injection molding demand promotes the sustainable development of the industry. The injection molding industry still has a long way to go, and the direction of future development may be automation and mechanization. Now China is facing the adjustment of the entire industrial chain, so it may become more and more difficult for those small enterprises to operate, and a group of enterprises that cannot adapt to the market will be eliminated. Of course, this process is also accompanied by opportunities.

  The above is a general introduction to the development status of the injection molding industry in 2022. If you need to know more about relevant industry information, you can click on the China Report Hall to view it.

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